Case Study

Customer -

Overview & Goals

The website is a gambling information site with web visitors from all around the world. The site has been operated by gambling pro, Jerry Whittaker for the past eleven years. During this time period, online gambling has gone from unregulated to highly regulated or even banned by certain countries.

Mr. Whittaker’s goal was to improve his customers overall experience on his website while increasing the click-through rate and conversions to the casinos he had listed.


Using GeoMySite, gave users a much better web experience by redirecting them to custom landing pages that were specific to their countries. So visitors from the United States were redirected to a landing page that had the US flag prevalently displayed and listed only casinos that accepted US players. In addition, they developed specific landing pages for their non-English speaking visitors whereby visitors, from say France, were redirected to a French language landing page.

With the help of GeoMySite, customers were seamlessly redirected to landing pages specifically designed for their country; these same customers then felt more comfortable clicking-through to one of the casinos listed on these pages. By using GeoMySite, click-through’s and revenues increased over 25% for Mr. Whittaker and

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Geographic redirection of web visitors was once reserved for only the largest companies on the internet. With the development of GeoMySite, every website owner can now afford the power of redirecting customers based upon their geographic location. GeoMySite is a geographic traffic management service that utilizes advanced IP tracing (geo tracing) to identify the IP location of your website visitor and then allows you to redirect that visitor to a customized landing page or website. There is no programming or software to install. We provide you the simple html code to paste in the header section of your web page, similar to Google Analytics. Once that has been completed, you then indicate in your GeoMySite control panel the redirection page by country.